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    College  Departments

    There are Fourteen Departments in the College

    This Department deals with the study of Philosophical fundamental approach of Ayurveda. The name of the department itself suggests that it elaborates the basic concepts of diagnosis and treatment. The basic concepts if applied properly and in its authentic way, it leads to the absolute knowledge of disease; which is applied to the newer diseases, too.

    The subject of Rachana Sharir includes study of Normal body structures as stated in Ayurvedic Samhita by the Acharyas along with the study of Modern Anatomy.
    The department is engaged in teaching and research of the fundamentals of Ayurvedic Anatomy Le. Marma Sharir, Indriya Sharir, Tantra Sharir, Sira Dhamni Srotas Sharir, Shavavichhedan (Cadeveric dissection) etc.
    Rachana Sharir is an extremely dynamic and interesting subject to an inquisitive Practitioner and Researcher of Ayurveda.


    Kriya sharir is the basic subject of Ayurveda, which initiates learning of Ayurveda at primary level for the students of first BAMS. Kriya Sharir is involved in the study of scientific basic of Tridosha, Saptadhatu and Deha-Manasa-Prakriti.
    Sharirkriya is the subject which deals with all the basic knowledge and siddhantas as well as clinical examination of normal individual. The scientific evaluation of Tridosha has great importance from the stand point of diagnosis and therapy.

    This Department deals with Medicinal plants of Ayurvedic Classics, their identification, properties, action and therapeutic uses in accordance with fundamental Principles of Ayurveda. The subject also includes standardization of Medicinal plants. Amongst all the available sources of drugs in various therapies herbal drugs are proved to be safest; so more and more people are attracted and wish to undergo only herbal therapy.

    Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda. It basically deals with the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines using Mercury, various metals, minerals and also various herbs. Department has developed many equipments to facilitate the pharmaceutical work.

    Rognidan-Vikrutividnyan is the groundwork of all the clinical subjects. The subject helps you to understand in depth the disease (Vyadhi-vidnyanam) & its pathogenesis (Samprapti Vidnyanam), the art & science of the clinical examination methods (Aatur or Rugna Parikshan Vidhi); the signs & symptoms or clinical features of the disease, the required investigations (Vyadhi pariksha vidhi) & the interpretation of their results as well.

    Panchakarma deals with procedures like Snehan, Swedan, Vaman, Virechan, Shirodhara, Vasti etc. It is best to detoxify body and rejuvenation. Panchakarma is highly effective Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Autoimmune, Lifestyle, Allergic and Neuropsychiatric disorders etc.

    Swasthavritta is the branch of Ayurveda which deals with prevention of diseases through healthy life style. A real strength of Ayurveda is preventive measures and maintaining good health which is included in subject Swasthavritta.

    Agadtantra is the subject dealing with poisonous or toxicological effects of plants, animals, their effect and management. This also deals with jurisprudence and study of laws related to the practice.

    Prasuti- Tantra & Stree Roga is a branch dealing with the management of Pregnancy, labour & post-labour recovery period and Diagnosis & & treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system and the female genital tract.

    The main focus of this department is to get aware the students regarding the fundamental of pediatric diseases, vaccination, various disability and deformity, Neonatology, congenital, hereditary and acquired/ infective illnesses etc.

    The word kaya has two literal meanings such as Agni and body and the word chikitsa means treatment. So kayachikitsa deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of disorders such as geriatric medicine (Rasayana), Aphrodisiac medicine (Vajikarana), skin disorders, Diabetes and other lifestyle disorders, general medical disorders, arthritis and joint disorders.

    Shalya Tantra is a subject of study to get aware the students regarding the fundamental of surgical diseases, various disability and deformity, trauma, fractures, congenital and acquired illnesses etc.

    Department of Shalakya Tantra teachs and trains the students about the basics of Ophthalmology, ENT and Oral Cavity & Dentistry in Ayurveda aspects given in Ayurveda as well as modern concepts at their level.